104th RAK – 24 Aug 2018; 11:50 am
- Food Town, Cypress North Houston and Huffmister. Holy Spirit was moving and shaking this day. I prayed before entering the store. I prayed for success, I prayed that I find the person that I was supposed to be a Blessing to this day. He did not let me down. As I walked around the store looking for the person He sent me there to bless, I saw and asked a gentleman what church he attended. His name was Joe Green and he attends Community of Faith under Pastor Dixon. I smiled because I know the church, don’t know the Pastor, but know some members. On a side note, if you have been following these posting, you have heard me mention the Men’s Prayer Line Ministry. The ministry is lead by our President Harry Paige. He started this prayer line over 23 years ago. The reason I am mentioning this is because Harry Paige once attended Community of Faith and he knows Joe Green. I was even able to put him on the phone with Harry Paige, right then and there. Look at God. After giving him the $200 and the book of prayer, he told how one of the things God put in his heart was to help buy school supplies for less fortunate students. He received a call concerning helping out a fellow church member. He told how he did not know how he was going to help because his funds were low, but God told him not to worry about that, that He would provide and supply the things He puts in people’s hearts to do. And this day, God was providing. Praise His Holy name.