26th RAK – 30 Jun 2016; 9:51 am
- Food Town at Huffmister and Cypress North Houston. Thank you Lord for your success there. I am just trying real hard to be obedient to the Holy Spirit. As I have stated earlier, I’ve repeatedly say to God: “If you don’t want them helped…then don’t lead them to me.” And today he led Linda Williams to me. I saw her walking down the aisle, spoke to her and kept walking asking the Holy Spirit if it was her. As I kept walking, I heard this little voice from deep in my spirit “Yes, it is her”. So I circled back around the store (hadn’t been in 3 minutes yet). When I approached her and told her what I was there for, she said that she couldn’t believe it. And was I sure that God said to give this to her. I told her I was sure and to have a Blessed day. Leaving her saying: “Praise the Lord.”