47th RAK – New York City

47th RAK – 27 Oct 2016; 11:50 am

  • Food Town, Huffmister and Cypress North Houston. This was my third time in the store in the past 2 days in the store looking and asking Holy Spirit who He wanted me to Bless with this $200.  First time in the store, I felt lead to no one.  The second time in the store, I could not feel Him leading me to anyone either.  Third time was a charm.  This time, as I pulled up to park.  I notice a little old lady pushing a cart.  It was the type you can sit in, if the need is there.  I asked and Holy Spirit said “Yes”.  I immediately got out of the car and introduced myself.  Her name was Shirley Williams, 81 years old from New York City.  I asked her what church she attended.  She told me that she doesn’t have any transportation to church.  She had just pushed her cart from 3 blocks away. I told her how Holy Spirit sent me there to give her $200.  She couldn’t believe that someone would want to help her like that. I told her how this was my third time at the store looking for her. She told how she needed to rest after pushing the cart 3 block.  She then sat and rested.  She told how it was Holy Spirit that told her to get up and for her to be at this exact place and this exact time.  5 minutes earlier and she would already be in the store, 5 minutes later and I would not have seen her. I told her to make sure she put the money in her purse before walking in the store. She aid “Yes Sir”…I then prayer over her and we both praised Our Father in Heaven.