121st RAK – PVAMU is in the house.

121st RAK – 23 Feb 2019; 2:21 pm.

  • Maybe one day I will stop saying “Back at Food Town”…but not today (-; Yes, I was back at Food Town at the corner of Huffmister and Cypress North Houston.  I have said it before and I will say it again.  One of the best things, about doing my RAKs, is the ability to ask Holy Spirit a question and get an answer back right away. I snapped my fingers to illustrate the speed at which He answers me when I ask Him who I am supposed to Bless with this RAK.  He doesn’t always speak to me with such speed, but when it comes to my RAKs, I hear from Him right away.  I was just leaving The Church Without Walls, Men’s “Rise Up” Conference. It was great to be surrounded by that many Disciples of Christ; which is the reason we are here.  I don’t know about you, but that is the reason I am here.  To be a Disciple of Christ.  Our guest speaker was Dr. Virgil Wood, one of the last remaining individuals who personally knew and walked with Dr. Martin Luther King. Dr. Wood is the author of “In Love we Trust, Lessons I learned from Martin Luther King” and boy was it a great event.  I left charged to continue to make a difference in the world this day.  So, as I sat in my car praying with Harry Paige before I went in to Food Town, I reflected on some of the good things Dr. Wood said about the President of Prairie View A&M, Dr. Ruth Simmons.  This is the school I attend working towards my PhD. in Education Leadership.  I told myself that I need to make an appointment to meet Dr. Simmons next week.  I checked to make sure I had the Prayer Book and something to write with before entering to store to deliver this RAK. As I looped around the store, I saw a two people walking down the aisle.  I approached them and introduced myself.  They were Jerry Harris and his daughter Alex White, and wouldn’t you know it, she attends PVAMU.  I told you God got jokes.  I don’t even remember what church they attend.  Yes, they answered my question about attending a church, but I was so excited that she attended Prairie View.  Her father told how they were shopping before he drove his daughter back to Prairie View.  I did ask them the 2-standard question about believing in God and listening to Holy Spirit.  Of course, they say yes to both questions.  That’s when I told them what Holy Spirit send me there to do.  Interesting, I handed the 10 $20-dollor bills to the father Jerry, and his daughter took it out of his hand as if it belonged to her.  I commented, that’s what father are supposed to do.  We all praised Him right there and they recited my daily decree about Walking in the Favor of God.  Left them charged to call everyone they knew and tell them what God did for them that day.  Praise His Holy Name.

2 thoughts on “121st RAK – PVAMU is in the house.

  1. Yes our God is so Awesome!!!! He Loves Us so much and sometimes I/we can’t see it because we are focused on the negative and/or worldly things instead of the spiritual things of God that are so important to our lives?????? Congratulations to both of your obedience to God’s blessings for doing his will.

    Dr. A. Tuck

  2. Awesomeness! Keep letting him use you in this special way. I will call you soon to catch up. I’m trying to recover from a auto accident I was in 2/5/19.

    Tina Patterson

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