125th RAK – Mission of Yahweh and Detroit in the house!!

125th RAK – 23 Mar 2019; 2:30 pm.

  • Hallelujah, hallelujah, hallelujah.  The last 24-hours have been breath taking.  God, God, God.  So much God, that I have to say Hallelujah, Hallelujah, Hallelujah one more time.  In fact, less than 18-hours ago my 10-year old son and I attended the Houston Symphony for the 1978 version of Star Wars.  My son worn a Storm Trooper Helmet, that he could take off. Our seats were great. We both had a blast.  Did not get home till 11:00 pm.  Asleep and back up at 5:00 am for my New Testament readings.  This is the 11th year in a row that I have read the entire New Testament during Lent.  Next, my son and I were at the Church Without Walls, Men’s Fellowship Breakfast at 7:00 am.  We do that every Saturday from 7:00 to 9:00.  From there, he had drum lessons from 9:30 to 10:00.  Then home to clean up…it’s Saturday morning; and in my life 45 years ago; Saturday morning meant cleaning in our house.  So, I have followed that tradition in my house today. We had to hurry because God had planned out that we were volunteering at Mission of Yahweh Homeless Women’s Shelter.  Mind you, I didn’t know His plans.  But, that has never stopped His plans. We were there by 1:30 that afternoon.  You see, my family and I are members of Jack and Jill.  The Houston Chapter had a community day, that all members were required to support. And that’s were God sent Barbara from Detroit across my path.  When you stop, draw back and reflect on just how many things God had to line up to get you right where He desires you to be.  It’s not chance or luck; but, it’s the Mighty Hand of God, that directs EVERYTHING in my life.  Everything.  And this was where He had me right then and there.  So, I met Barbara from Detroit.  We talked about 30-minutes about the wonders of God.  How He brought her to Houston.  What He desired her to do while here.  And Praise His Holy Name, the people He already had lined up to help her.  People she did not know  Come on now, how is God going to direct the Prophet Elisha to a town and to ask a widow for her last.  And she gave it to him.  Really??? Yep.  That means that God said to Barbara’s spirit (whether she knew it or not) just go downstairs to the courtyard and I am going to have this guy from Detroit provide for you.  I told you Praise His Holy Name.  I gave her the $200 and the Book of Prayer He told me to give her.

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