134th RAK – Bethel Outreach in the house – AZ7!!

134th RAK – 20 May 2019; 8:07 am – AZ7.

  • Back home at Food Town the corner of Huffmister and Cypress North Houston.  I had just dropped my son off at school.  This is his last week in school before being out for the summer.  I’m sure all parents know the excitement written all over his face.  I would say I remember that excitement as well…but 5th grade seems like a hundred years ago.  I pulled up to Food Town today and thought it’s a little early, but I asked Holy Spirit to Bless my goings and comings this day and He did just that.  As I sat in my car talking to God, I noticed this mother with her young child.  They went into the store and I smiled hoping it was them.  I got my envelope and my Prayer Book ready and headed into the store.  They were all the way on the other side of the store when I walked up and introduced myself.  She was Massa Kpahn and her 3-year old son was Wallace Praise Johnnylone (long name).  She attends Bethel Outreach, under Pastor Korfath.  With 2 yeses to my 2 standard questions, I was ready to proceed.  These RAKs never get old, they never get tiresome and they always feel good.  Strengthening fellow Christians has got to be the best ministry He could have given me, Praise His Holy name. and once again, I thank Alonzo Pierce for joining me here.