14th RAK – Church Without Walls…again.

14th RAK – 22 May 2016; 7:56 pm

  • This time, in the store about 30 seconds. I see a bother and his son coming down the aisle toward me. The Holy Spirit said that was them.  I introduced myself.  He told me his name was Ranse Gaines.  When I asked what church he attended.  He told me that he was an usher at the Church Without Walls.  I said praise be to God, and then told him what I was there to do.  He told how he was just talking to his son about how to have a giving spirit, and how hard it was from him to accept it. He said how he had to accept it, if for no other reason than to show his son how to accept kindness as well as be able to show it. Glory be to God.