35th RAK – Parking spot

35th RAK – 1 Aug 2016; 4:30 pm

  • H.E.B. on 249 and Louette Road. This is the spot I called my wife from just before my motorcycle accident over 3 years ago. But, that is a different story for a different day.  This time I was here to pick up some groceries before going home.  I did not come here to do a RAK and would not have even thought about it, if it were not for the Holy Spirit whispering in my ear.  Thanx Holy Spirit.  I was looking for a handicap parking spot. They were all taken.  As I drove down one aisle I saw a spot on the other lane. I was not able to get to the spot before another car beat me to it, so I was back down the aisle once again.  This time a spot opened up directly adjacent to that spot.  As I got out of my car, I saw the other driver getting out of their car.  Jokingly, I said to the lady, that she took my special reserved spot.  We both laughed and walked in the store together.  I mentioned Our Father in Heaven and how I walk in the Favor of God.  That He must have saved that spot for her and not for me.  I said if the spot was meant to mine, nothing could have stood in the way of my God giving it to me.  I was in the store about 15 minutes picking up my groceries.  When I went to check out, I notice the same lady checking out as we walked out to our cars together and she asked if I was a Minister. I said “Not officially”.  She told how she was returning my dog food because she had plenty and needed more people food than dog food right now.  As we walked to our cars, I heard the Holy Spirit tell me to do a RAK with her.  I asked her how important she thought it was to listen to the Holy Spirit when He talks to you. She agreed.  As I explained what I was doing and handed her the $200, she began to cry as she re-flexed how the Holy Spirit had to do many things to get her right were her Blessing was waiting to come her way.  Her name was Terry Jenkins from Monroe, Louisiana, she attends Champion Community Church. Under Pastor Steve Austin. All Praise be to God.