9th RAK – After the Flood

9th RAK – 22 April 2016; 8:52 pm

  • Food Town, Cypress North Houston and Huffmister, once again this is my favorite spot. I feel lead by God there. We had just experienced our flood.  It is something when water comes in your house like that.  As much as it is a surprise to you; you must never forget that it is not a surprise to God.  He has equipped you for everything.  I know that when I did RAK number 8, God saw RAK number 9.  It was so deep in my spirit that I had just dropped my son off for school and was back home sitting in my driveway, about to go into my flood damaged house. And I was lead to complete this RAK before going back into my house.  So I said “Yes Lord”, and ran to Food Town.  The store is about 4 minutes from my house.  As I walked, looking for the person that I am supposed to meet there, I saw him. On a side note, it really feels good when the Holy Spirit says this is the person I want you to help.  He was headed directly towards me.  I stopped him, introduced myself (I’m getting better at that one). I told him what I was there to do. And his reaction was about the same as the others.  I told him we had just experienced the flood, but this was something I was supposed to do regardless of the flood.  He immediately placed his hand on my shoulder and began praying for me and my family.  I felt so humble and thanked him, gave him a hug and was back in my car before 9:00.