153rd RAK – United Methodist is in the house.

153rd RAK – 6 Jan 2020; 11:00 am.

  • Food Town, the corner of Huffmeister and Cypress North Houston. Man, do I love it here.  This one took me 3 times to deliver.  Twice in the store and all I received was “I don’t go to church…I don’t go to church…I don’t go to church.” Of course, I told them about the importance in finding a church home.  But, no RAK.  This time in Food Town, I spotted and introduced myself to Ivory Flowers and asked what church she attended.  Her reply was United Methodist.  I smiled because that meant I could finally deliver this RAK.  She told me how I didn’t know how much this $200 was needed.  I told her that I didn’t, but that God did.  Ain’t He good all the time.  I’m just Blessed that He allowed me to be a part of delivering her blessing. Praise His Holy Name because it truly deserves to be.